Thai Foot Massage Certificate Course – FHT Accreditation

Course Fee &/or Booking Deposit: 150.00

This Thai Foot Massage training course from Deirdre Murray Holistic is a stand-alone qualification which is recognised internationally and is an accepted world-wide qualification as a professional kite-mark of excellence.  It certifies that the therapist is professionally trained to the highest standards and qualified to work as a Thai Foot Massage Therapist.  This qualification will also enable the therapist to attain independent professional indemnity insurance, and membership of an established professional representative massage/holistic organisation.

Course Fee: €150-

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Thai Foot Massage is part of the Traditional Thai Medicine (TTM) teachings which has been central to the Thai culture for centuries.  TTM was practiced in temples as well as hospitals while Thai Foot Massage was originally used for relaxation and health.  Jivaka Kumarabhacca (500 BB) is thought to have developed the therapy and it is acknowledged that TTM is influenced by China and India.  He was born in North East India and was inspired to follow the practice of medicine and healing.  He became the healer of choice for the Buddha.

After the Burmese invasion of 1767 much of the historical cultural records were destroyed.  King Rama I established a centre of education and learning to restore and preserve the Traditional Thai Medicine concept.  Much of this was carved onto stone tablets and included 60 instructions on Thai Massage.  Since 1987 applied tradition Thai Medicine has been a popular study and practice encompassing both western and eastern techniques.  This teaching was passed down orally to apprentices under the Masters guidance and he would then decide when a student was ready to practice their skills.

TTM is similar in nature to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and consists of a theory of four elements – Earth, Water, Wind and Fire collectively known as TARD.  The Thai philosophy believes that each person has a dominant element and this influences their appearance and characteristics as well as their health. 


  • Improves circulation of the lower limbs and assists with lymphatic drainage
  • Helps to boost the immune system
  • Boosts the flow of oxygen to all the internal organs
  • Calms the mind and improves concentration
  • Reduces stress and encourages relaxation
  • Assists with insomnia
  • Increases mobility and muscle flexibility
  • Breaks down and disperses foot imbalances 


Thai Foot Massage is a very popular treatment with clients and therapists alike.  It is an ideal add-on to an already existing reflexology or massage diploma.  It expands the list of therapies on offer to the client and opens up the practice to a wider variety of clients.  It is non-invasive and extremely relaxing.  The treatment can be applied with the hands or with the added dimension of using a Thai Tool or wooden stick to stimulate the points to a deeper level. The knowledge gained by the therapist can be used to enhance other bodywork treatments and so giving the therapist the edge on their competition.

  • Duration
    • This course is an independent stand-alone qualification.  It has been designed around blended learning which facilitates the student to study the theory element in their own time and via the zoom platform while the practical training will be conducted in a work-shop setting over 1 day.10 Hours  in total – (8 blended learning / 2 home study)
  • Venue
    • Woodville Sligo
    • Zoom training platform when necessary during Covid-19 restrictions
    • The training space is located approx 2km from Sligo town with ample off-road secure free parking. It consists of a theory room and a separate fully equipped practical room, along with private kitchen and toilet facilities.
    • The Theory room has been adapted and is specifically used for holistic training. It accommodates up to 12 learners comfortably.  Lecture settings can be either in formation or individual.   All lectures are delivered through power-point presentation.  Situated on the ground floor it has easy access and ample ventilation.  The space is warm, quiet and comfortable and lends itself to constructive learning.  It consists of a holistic library with over 200 titles on holistic health.
    • The practical therapy room is a fully equipped bright warm cosy space, with a very private quiet and relaxed atmosphere. It sets the tone for holistic therapies, and is an ideal space for getting to grips with the practical techniques and sequences taught on the course.  The students get the opportunity to swop treatments with the bonus of getting to experience the treatment of other student therapists.  The space is equipped with full therapy couches for the added safety and comfort of the students and clients alike.  It represents a clinical setting which instils the professionalism of the training provided on the course.
    • Under normal circumstances practical classes take place on regular training days but in the current Covid-19 restrictions a larger venue has been secured to enable the class to get together under the strict government guidelines of social distancing specifically to ensure a 2m distance between practicing therapists.
  • Cost
    • €150 – A Non-Refundable Booking Deposit of €150 is required
  • Accreditation to
  • Thai Foot Massage Certificate is Accredited to the Federation of Holistic Therapists – (FHT)
    • NB – This course is a Certificate Qualification and not just a CPD course
  • In addition, it is recognised by
    • Irish Reflexologists’ Institute Ltd (IRIL)
    • Massage Therapy Association of Ireland – (MTAI)
    • Association of Registered Complementary Holistic Therapists of Ireland (ARCHTI)

This Thai Foot Massage training course from Deirdre Murray Holistic is a stand-alone qualification which is recognised internationally and is an accepted world-wide qualification as a professional kite-mark of excellence.  It certifies that the therapist is professionally trained to the highest standards and qualified to work as a Thai Foot Massage Therapist.  This qualification will also enable the therapist to attain independent professional indemnity insurance, and membership of an established professional representative massage/holistic organisation.

  • Assessment Process
    • Attend one full day training @ Deirdre Murray Holistic
    • 500 word article on the benefits of Indian Head Massage
    • Complete 3 Treatments in Case Study format in line with schools requirements
  • CPD
    • 50 CPD points recognised by all therapy associations in Ireland

This course is presented over 6 modules in a blended learning style.  This gives the student the opportunity to learn the theory remotely before attending the practical element of the training.  In each module the student will learn the foundation for the next, resulting in a ‘building’ of the required knowledge base and experience as the course progresses.  As this is a 1 day CPD course, the student will learn how to complete 3 treatments required in a Case Study format to satisfy the accreditation and schools requirements for assessment.  The student will learn to elaborate on their own understanding and interpretation of any imbalances found.

Module I – History & Development

In this module the student will learn about the history and development of Thai Foot Massage with emphasis on the understanding of its roots in Traditional Thai Medicine from the early ages, and the concept of the theories behind its development as a cultural Thai traditional art form.  The student will also learn about how Thai Foot Massage progressed and how eastern and western cultures influenced its development as a holistic therapy.

Module II – Principles & Benefits

In this module the student will learn about the principles and benefits of Thai Foot Massage with emphasis on the concept of Traditional Thai Medicine and the pivotal role of Thai Foot Massage.   The student will also learn the fundamental teachings of the Thai SEN channels or energy lines of the leg and foot along with the rhythms and techniques used to enhance the treatment.  The student will also learn the comparisons and associations of Thai Foot Massage to Reflexology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Ayverdic medicine.

Module III – Wooden Thai Stick

In this module the student will learn how to use a Thai Wooden Stick.  They will gain an understanding of the advantages, and disadvantages, as well as a working knowledge of the benefits and enhancement value a Thai Stick adds to the traditional treatment of Thai Foot Massage.  The student will also learn the uses and limitations as well as the various techniques and where and how to apply these effectively to a treatment.

Module IV – Treatment Concerns

In this module the student will learn about the various treatment concerns, cautions and contraindications which should be taken into consideration before providing a Thai Foot Massage.

Module V – Techniques & Sequence

In this module the student will learn the practical side of how to give a Thai Foot Massage treatment.  The student will learn the many different techniques used as well as a relaxation and treatment sequence.  The student will also learn about the use of towels in a treatment which is unique to Traditional Thai Massage.

Module VI – Foot Pathologies

In this module the student will learn about the specific conditions diseases, and foot pathologies most likely to be encountered during the course of providing a Thai Foot Massage.

Deirdre Murray Holistic 

Deirdre Murray established her training school in Sligo in 2006 as a centre of excellence for training in Reflexology and related CPD courses.  This has now expanded to other holistic therapies.  The ethos of the school has always been to provide the highest possible level of professionalism to each and every student, coupled with individual attention to detail while maintaining the holism and purity of the therapy itself.  All courses are designed by Reflexologists for Reflexologists. 

In 2012 the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) became the main accreditation body for the Diploma and Certificate Courses.  Deirdre Murray Holistic was the first reflexology school registered in Ireland to meet the strict criteria and offer this accreditation for the Diploma in Reflexology. FHT is an internationally recognised organisation.  It is the leading and largest therapy association for Holistics in Ireland and the UK.  It ensures the highest standard and quality of training available with emphasis on professional standards.  It holds recognition within the holistic industry internationally.  Deirdre chose this accreditation because of this exceptionally high standard and now teaches FHT Diploma and Certificate levels in addition to many holistic CPD courses.

The School has an excellent reputation and is the preferred location of choice for holistic training in the North West of Ireland.  Students travel from many counties to attend the variety of holistic training courses on offer in this holistic centre of excellence.  It is also recognised by all the leading therapy organisations including 

  • Federation of Holistic Therapists
  • Irish Reflexologists’ Institute Ltd
  • Association of Registered Complementary Holistic Therapists of Ireland
  • Irish Massage Therapy Association
  • Association of Reflexologists (UK)
  • National Register of Reflexologists of Ireland

Deirdre Murray Tutor

Deirdre Murray is a practicing Reflexologist and member of the Irish Reflexologists’ Institute (IRI) since 1997. She opened her private practice in Sligo town in 2000 offering a range of holistic therapies. From 2006-2011 Deirdre was an active member of the IRI Schools Committee which was motivational in maintaining the highest standard of training and education of Reflexology in Ireland. In 2016, she joined the Board of the IRI and was appointed Director/Educational Officer a post she held until 2021, when she was elected Chairperson. She has been instrumental in the revival of the IRI Course Providers Affiliation programme to ensure the high level of training standards are maintained throughout Reflexology training in Ireland. Deirdre is currently in her 4th term as Chairperson of the Irish Reflexologists’ Institute.

She has trained extensively in all aspects of Holistic Health over the past 28 years, and holds qualifications and practices the following therapies at her private clinical practice:-

Reflexology, (including Advanced, Hand Reflexology, Cancer Care, Clinical, Multiple Sclerosis, Maternity, Infertility, Pregnancy, Manzanares method, and Foot Reading), Aromatherapy & Essential Oils, Swedish Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Reiki, Indian Head Massage, Shiatsu-TCM, Thai Foot Massage, Sotaii, Moxibustion & Cupping, Auricular Therapy, Hot Stone, Lava Shell and Heated Bamboo Massage.

In addition to her private clinical practice, Deirdre has 8 years experience of working with palliative care at the NW Hospice, and has provided holistic treatments to service users with ID, MS & other neurological conditions over the past 25 years.

Experiencing the many benefits of regular Reflexology treatments for women, Deirdre did extensive research and courses on Reflexology for fertility, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause, and recognises the many benefits that holistic treatment can bring to women at any stage of life.

  • Recognising the need for a therapy support group, Deirdre founded the ‘Sligo Network’ of holistic therapists in 2009 in order to support therapists of the North West, particularly those newly qualified, and to promote the therapy of Reflexology. She hosts network meetings for qualified therapists in her school throughout the year where treatment swops, discussions, presentations, and demonstrations take place. It’s an opportunity for therapists to gain the valuable CPD points to be compliant with their annual IRI association membership renewal requirements. This facility is open to all qualified therapists and all are welcome.
  • Deirdre has organised specialist post graduate training courses bringing Irish and International tutors to Sligo and attended by therapists from the four corners of Ireland. This has facilitated the progression, growth, and quality of reflexology training in Ireland.
  • As a therapist Deirdre is a registered member of:
    • The Irish Reflexologists Institute, CLG
    • Federation of Holistic Therapists (UK),
    • Association of Registered Complementary Health Therapists of Ireland,
    • Irish Massage Therapy Association.
  • Deirdre has undertaken instruction and training in Niche Reflexology studies with the following National and International tutors who specialise in various aspects of Reflexology Training:
    • Beryl Crane – Canada
    • Chris Stormer-Fryer – South Africa
    • Jesus Manzanares – Spain
    • Peter Mackereth – UK
    • Jane Sheehan – UK
    • Lua McIllraith – Ireland
    • Martina Barrett – Ireland
    • Mauricio Kruchik – Israel
    • Pat Hickey – Ireland
    • Pauline O’Hagan – Ireland
    • Barbara Scott – UK
  • During the Covid-19 pandemic the Irish Government through FICTA (Federation of Irish Complementary Therapy Associations) required therapy representative organisations to compile a set of guidelines for the safe return to work of therapists with particular emphasis on health and safety protocols and standard operating procedures. Deirdre was a member of a small working group from the IRI Board of Directors that played a pivotal role in adapting, compiling and presenting these documents on behalf of the Irish Reflexologists’ Institute to its members which was favourably received and provided guidance for the safe return to work.

 FHT – Federation of Holistic Therapists

  • The Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) is the UK’s largest professional association representing thousands of therapists while ensuring high standards in therapy education and practice since 1962. They support a broad range of specialisms – from sports and remedial therapies, to complementary healthcare and holistic beauty treatments – the FHT is the association of choice for professional therapists.

The FHT is governed by an elected council of members who oversee a permanent team of FHT staff, many of whom are also qualified therapists.  At the heart of every decision and service provided by FHT is to help support, advance and protect the members interests and career progression as professional therapists.

IRIL – Irish Reflexologists Institute Ltd.

The Irish Reflexologists’ Institute was established in Ireland in 1985 based on the teachings of Eunice Ingham and the Association of Reflexologists UK.  The organisation was set up to promote, train, monitor and maintain the standards of the therapy in Ireland.  Today it is the only non-profit organisation representing Reflexologists in Ireland.  It is run by a voluntary Board of Directors, all qualified reflexologists’ taken from the membership of the organisation, who are voted in by the members at its Annual General Meeting. 

The organisation aims to protect, improve and preserve holistic health by promoting the knowledge, practice education and expertise of reflexology. It acts in an advisory role to both its members and the public on Reflexology issues, and maintains a register of therapists who are trained to a professional standard in both Reflexology and First Aid, and are fully insured in line with Government legislation for the industry. It continues to regulate the professional and ethical standards while recognising all methods of treatment consistent with the guidelines set out by the organisation.   It promotes the education and maintains exceptional high standards of practice which greatly enhances the growth and development of the therapy. The IRI is a member of FICTA in Ireland and RIEN in Europe to further advance the promotion and development of the therapy. Further information is available at 

ARCHTI – Association of Registered Complementary Holistic Therapists of Ireland

ARCHTI is a non-profit voluntary multi-therapy representative organisation for fully qualified, insured and accredited professional holistic therapists in Ireland.  It provides support to its members from the four corners of Ireland to protect their need to practice while promoting the voluntary self-regulating sector in Ireland

IMTA – Irish Massage Therapists Association

The Irish Massage Therapists Association was founded in 1990 as a highly respected professional body providing self regulation for the massage and bodywork industry in Ireland.  It represents professionalism, ethics and high standards in training and continuous professional development and supports members interests at national and European level.

  • General Information
    • This course is a Certificate course which is a higher standard than most CPD courses on offer at the present time. The syllabus is extensive and incorporates every aspect necessary for the therapist to practice Thai Foot Massage with confidence and autonomy.  The course is the ideal add-on to an existing therapy particularly Reflexology, and is very achievable over one day training.  The quality of research, presentation and training of this course is exceptional.  Therapists seeking to be trained to a very high standard choose this course.  All modules are delivered through power point presentations along with teaching aids and demonstrations.
  • Course Books / Handouts / Charts
    • A comprehensive set of course notes and charts are provided
    • Wooden Thai Stick will also be provided
  • Equipment / Materials
    • Practical Work-shops – Kit bag containing
      • 1 large flat sheet
      • 1 Pillow & Pillow Case
      • 2 small supports (knees & ankles)
      • 1 Light weight throw
      • 1 medium towel
      • 2 small hand towels
      • Baby wipes/Wet ones
      • Jar Coconut oil with dispenser stick
      • Clip-board, pen, pencil, & markers
    • Theory Sessions
      • Jotter, pens, highlighters etc
  • Reading List
    • Thai Step-by-step Massage – Nicky Smith
    • Thai Massage & Thai Healing Arts – Bob Haddad
    • A Myofascial Approach to Thai Massage – Howard Derek Evans
    • Thai Reflexology Foot Massage – George M Jung
    • Thai Foot Reflexology for Health – Thai Massage School of Chiang Mai
    • Thai Foot Massage – Helen McGuiness
    • The Art of Thai Foot Massage – Simon Piers Gall
    • Thai Foot Massage Complete Guide – Elefteria Mantzorou
    • Ancient Thai Massage Healing with Prana – Jan Chaithavuthi
    • Thai Foot Massage Providing Wellness – L Maclachlan
    • Thai Foot Reflexology – Ariela Grodner & John Barrett

I have taken many courses with Deirdre Murray since she started her training school in reflexology and I can highly recommend her if you are thinking of doing a course in Thai Foot Massage.  As a reflexologist I found the course notes and course delivery very easy to follow.  Deirdre provided clear step-by-step instructions with excellent charts and handouts to refer to.  It is clear that Deirdre has put a lot of research into this course as it is very comprehensive and gives a lot of detail.

Jacqueline Hanly

Additional information


24th May 2025

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